All members of the management team who will be supporting the Program have extensive experience in the development and management of specialty mental health programs and other health related services. ANNI makes good use of its corporate resources that include specialized training and experience in the technical aspects of Health Care Financial Management, Operations, Business Development, Product Development and Ethics related to the mental health service business.
Management support is currently provided to accomplish the following:
• Actively support and aggressively reinforce the principles of ethical service delivery and business development.
• Act as advocates for the ethical delivery of services which are patient centered.
• Recruit and contract with an approved physician for the position of Medical Director.
• Recruit and hire a Program Administrator / Director of Patient Care Services.
• Recruit, hire, and train an interdisciplinary treatment team including Nurses, Psychologist, Social Worker, and Activities Therapist.
• Oversee hiring of nursing staff and supervisors.
• Tailor operating policies and procedures for the PHF.
• Develop and implement community education and community relations efforts that emphasize referral development.
• Establish and maintain procedures for comprehensive initial assessment, treatment planning, ongoing review and discharge planning with emphasis on community support systems.
• Develop a group-oriented active treatment program that meets the individual needs of patients.
• Maintain documentation and continuous quality improvement programs consistent with Hospital systems and needs, and train staff in their use.
• Establish an Assessment and Referral process and inquiry tracking function.
• Negotiate referral arrangements with community agencies, industries and prepaid health plans where applicable.
• Be responsible for the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Program's performance.
Psychiatric units need approval and State licensing prior to opening. ANNI is positioned to provide the method for facilitating all State requirements and construction requirements. We have available a highly qualified architectural firm that can develop and successfully implemented the entire process, from design to approval.
The unique and specialized approach that is required for a successful program is the key to the ANNI process. We know that the gero-psychiatric segment of the Health Care industry is extremely specialized. We, at ANNI, have the special expertise the expertise, the enthusiasm, and the compassion to manage a very successful program.